About Alexandria Cigars

At Alexandria, our commitment shines through the creation of six distinct varieties of premium Dominican cigars, each boasting a unique blend and flavor profile. Crafted for a medium to three-quarter strength, these cigars deliver a delightful sweetness to the palate. Immerse yourself in the experience as complex aromas unfold, featuring notes of cinnamon, wood, cocoa, and cream. Our dedication to excellence guarantees a remarkable smoking journey, making every moment with Alexandria cigars truly exceptional.

Unlock the allure of exclusivity with our special edition cigars tailored for the discerning Dubai market. Luxuriate in the sophistication of our uniquely crafted blue-ringed cigars, designed to cater to the distinctive tastes of connoisseurs seeking a refined smoking experience. Elevate your indulgence with this distinguished blend, curated especially for Dubai enthusiasts.

Elevate your brand's prestige with a touch of exclusivity by showcasing your logo on our limited edition cigars. Specializing in creating bespoke experiences, our company offers a unique opportunity for businesses to display their identity in a sophisticated and memorable way. Make a lasting impression with a personalized touch on these exclusive cigars, creating a truly unique and memorable brand statement.


At Alexandria, we prioritize meeting the diverse demands of the market and fulfilling the specific requests of our customers. Leveraging our extensive experience, we have initiated two distinct product lines known as Special Editions. Collaborating closely with our partners, we tailor-make cigars to meet their unique preferences. This involves joint decision-making on the selection of fillers, wrappers, custom logos, and packaging, with global delivery services provided.

Our product range encompasses six varieties of premium Dominican cigars, distinguished by their special blends and flavor profiles. These cigars are characterized by a medium to three-quarter strength, offering a sweet taste sensation accompanied by intricate aromas. Notes of cinnamon, wood, cocoa, and cream prominently feature in their flavor profile.

We are professionals in the art of cigar making.

We're here to help you to finding a best way

8+Years of Experience
27kHappy Clients